Sunday, June 05, 2005

More stuff to say, today.

Ok, so, yet again I go to Target. Now, this time I actually needed a few things, so I pushed my way through the annoying rascals in the toy aisle, kick over the 70 year old man testing the softness of Charmin toilet paper, sqeeze through the fat couple smelling the diet nutri-grain bars and barge through the college students loading up on profolactics. I then hit my aisle and grab my meaning less shit worth about $20. So, this is where the fun begins.

At the checkout counter, sorry, the EXPRESS checkout, is where my fun (and aggravation started). This lady in front of me had about 7 items in the 10 items of less lane, as did I, the person behind me (who I got to know pretty well, you'll see why), the person behind him, etc, etc, etc...

However, the sign "Express, 10 Items or LESS," was not comprehensive enough for the lady in front of the. She had 2, 2 shopping carts of stuff. Clothes, shoes, underwear, food, toothbrushes, blah, blah, blah... I was in line for about 15 minutes before she got through, and I was stuck in the line that turned out to be longer than the line for Batman The Ride at Six Flags. So, as Phillip (his name tag caught my eye, as he had to write his name on a piece of paper and tape it to his shirt) rang up the lady, I finally got to put my stuff on the belt, as myself and Joe Schmo talked about how this line is crazy and we were stuck here. We were just about to get out of the line, but hey, we are almost there. "Lady in front of me" only has about 7 items, make that 8, ok, 9. "Lady in front of me" had "Lady shopping for her while waiting in line," but hey, still under the maximum 10 items. So, after it is all scanned, she hands him a $20, then realizes 2 items were not scanned correctly. After consulting a manager, the total came to $22.45 and "lady in front of me" was not happy. She gave him the evil eye and waited about 3 minutes before giving him more money, no idea why... But this is where it gets good. She pulls out a Thomas Jefferson, yes, a $2 bill and still doesn't give him any change. So, now, I say to myself, "she has to pull out a Fitty Cent piece to complete my day." Low and behold... she doesn't, but hey, I was hoping for it. After giving him Fitty Cents, Phillip gives her $2 and change back for some reason. Mind-boggled, I was thinking about giving Phil cash for my transaction, hoping for him to fuck it up, but I debited that shit, yo.

Anyway, just another interesting adventure at Target.

I say, let's make "Miserable" a season in Boston.

Ok, so, I go for a walk around the city today, since I can't stay inside all day long, and I stumble upon something amazing.

Quick, let us go back to this post:

Just finished... thinking about how cool ant hills are. I cannot recall the last time I saw one in the city.

Well, I found one today, and not just one, three. Amazing. They were well designed and must have had central air, since I did not see one ant go in or out of it.
Back to George Carlin - I was reading "Brain Droppings" which is fantastic... Here is a line that made me laugh, and out loud, nonetheless.

Deep Throat: Think about it. There is actually a semi-important figure in American history who is named for a blow-job movie. How do school teachers handle this?

I was wondering the same thing, just didn't write it down and get it published. I am always one step behind.
Reading some George Carlin made me think about people I really hate. Ok, I hate old people that think it is perfectly fine to stop at the top (or bottom) of the escalator. I mean, it is not like there are people behind you that can press the "stop escalator while old fucks decide where to get their 'I smell like a hospital' cologne" button. Just take two or three steps (normal age person steps, not old age steps that measure 2 inches) forward, and let people get by. Next time, I have no problem with 'accidentally' running into your cane and kicking it through an imaginary set of goalposts like David Akers.

I digress, for the moment......