Monday, May 16, 2005

The D-8000 Can Keep it Real

Ok, the D-8000 deserves a shout out (that was very not-white of myself). I normally don't give so-called 'shout-out's,' but this is an exception.

The D-8000 (AKA D-Rock, D, Derrrrrr (carry the 'r' like Nelly), D-boz (this was just given to him this very moment, unless someone has called him this before)) is a fan. A true fan - like myself - breathes, eats, and sleeps for their favorite team. A non-stop rush pulling for your team. 24/7/365. For me, I do that with the Penguins and Eagles. For D, he lives for the Sox. True team fan. He knows everything plus more about the Sox, much like I know everything plus more about the Pens. Anyway, check out his sites for the Sox and random fo'shizzle (since I gave a shout out, I might-as-well through some ebonics in there, word)