Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Every now and then, two days morph into one. Today and tomorrow, I am sure, will be one of those days for me. I call this phenomenoum, "Wednursday."

How does this happen? It usually starts off with an early morning wake up call, tons of work (or play), very little sleep, a late dinner, a late bedtime, and then just a few hours of sleep before the next day (or is it the same day?) kicks into full gear. Overall, it is like one gigantic day.

In my case, I was up at 6am on Wednesday. I worked, worked and worked until a meeting at 3pm. Following the traffic jam on my way home, I worked some more, hit the gym, grabbed some food, had a late dinner, watched the Penguins (currently in that part of the day now), had a few hours of sleep (the game will end around 1:30, which means I will be in bed by 2ish, at the earliest), wake up early tomorrow (6am again, maybe 7am) and work until the day gains stability. It is a busy, hectic schedule - all because the Penguins are on a West Coast road trip - that morphs into two full days.

Wednursday is not common. Friturday is common, as is Satunday.

It's been 2+ years before the Penguins had a West Siiiide road trip (no games on the west coast last year, no season the year before), so I am about to enjoy...

(except for the fact that the Kings just scored 25 seconds into the game)