Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Just Finished...

Just finished... watching an episode of GUTS! on Nickelodeon. The guy who won had a perfect game. Money. His name nickname was "The Rebel" after Andreo Aggasi. I swear. The show was made in 1994, which puts him around 25 now. Could you imagine watching yourself years later on a TV show like GUTS!? However, "The Rebel" proved us that he was a true athlete and punished the other 2 losers.
Just finished... listening to the new Audioslave CD. I'm liking it. It took me a while for their first one to sink in, such I AM (not was) a Rage fan. One thing I like about Audioslave, Chris Cornell does not try to imitate Zach. However, I would like to hear some more Tom Morello.
Just finished... thinking about how cool ant hills are. I cannot recall the last time I saw one in the city.
Just finished... my bank reconciliation to see how much cash I can bring to this pub crawl even I have this weekend. Starts at noon on this Saturday at the Purple Shamrock.

Grackles, Inventions, Music

My new favorite animal is the Grackle. These birds are fantasic. They are attacking people in Houston, and when the residents go after them with bottles (!!!!hello, PETA?), they fight harder. One thing this article does not elude to is any noise coming from the bird. I would love an obnoxious crow-like scream, but I'd go for a human like, "move bitch, get out da way!"


We have a new shipment of pens coming into the office today. Post-it made a pen with built in stickies. What is the world coming to?


Classic rock today at work. I'm liking the switch at the moment. I've been on a Stones kick since I was lucky to get 4 tickets, so, not only can "I get what I want" but I also "Can get Satisfaction." Take that.