Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why is it 450 degrees in my house?

Let me narrow that down to, "why is it 450 degrees in my kitchen?" If you guessed, "Because your roommate left the oven on," you are correct! You get to come on over and turn the oven off. He must've had it on for 2+ hours, because he just put it on when I went to do laundry, and I got back around 6, when I saw that pizza box on the counter. I swear, this place has probably come close to burning down around 4 times, but every time I feel like Denis Leary in Rescue Me and save the day.

Is it sad, or smart, that I sometimes pretend I am on a phone call when I go into the kitchen and he's in there? I say, if I just go in there and ignore him, I make him feel less of a person, so by being on a fake phone call, I spare him those feelings. Maybe, just maybe, my last day in the apartment will consist of me talking on a fake plastic phone to see if he can tell the difference.

Anyway, he's been out of a job for weeks, interviews, and still can't land a job. I have no idea where he plans on living in September, nor do I care. I do care about getting my security back, and knowing him, he'll break down the door frame trying to get his couch out of his room.

Anyway, enough of that. I will stop bitching about my situation that will clear up in a matter of weeks. As for now, I need to make some dinner, which means kitchen time. I think I hear my phone ringing...


So, another busy day should start soon... I plan to organize my Lotus Notes Inbox, and that's about it. Well, ok, maybe I will work on a revamping a spreadsheet to pass time. I do have a book to read, "Freakonomics" by S. Levitt and S. Dubner, but I won't start that until lunch time. Until then, some observations...
There is ALWAYS someone in the cafeteria whistling. Usually an older man, factory worker wearing blue jeans and a flannel shirt. But I have never seen the same man whistling twice. Amazing. Once, I would like to pick up the tune that is being whistled, and join in. It would be kinda cool, odd, and possibly embarrassing, but fun.

Watched The Daily Show last night. Jon Stewart ripped on MSNBC for an interview they had on obesity week. They interview, ready? They interviewed Ronald McDonald. A fictional corporate America character. They even asked him about Grimmace and Hamburgler. This is not a joke.

You know the player that gives all for his or her team, win, lose or tie? That is heart. Dedication. Determination. And yesterday's award goes to the lady that passed out outside of the courtroom while celebrating Jacko's not guilty verdict. You were carried out on a stretcher, has graffiti all in your hair, and tears running down your face. Job well done.

That brings me to yesterday's court ruling. Putting aside I do feel like something is wrong with MJ (no, not Mark Jackson, or Michael Jordan), the prosecution rushed into this and never thought it through. I'm a big fan of the legal system and how it works (not necessarily how people 'play' the system), but you need credibility if you have one star witness, and that kid did not have it. When you are talking about putting someone in jail, which means stripping them of their rights, you need to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Now, since that kid lied before, how can you lock someone up based on a kid's testimony? Very weak case. Should've waited.

Now, for some lyrics from "With Teeth," the new NIN album which is great. These lyrics are from "Every Day is Exactly the Same." Just like here....

I believe I can see the future
As I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now i never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around again