Thursday, July 07, 2005

7 Wonders of the Day

1. Sorry I have not been submitting this daily, but I will continue to try to do so... Weekdays only, though.

2. Our co-op is dumb. Our boss gave him a warning already. Co-op tried to rename a file by adding text after the file extention. Example: FileXYZ.xls[insert text here dipshit]

3. Co-op spends more time on the net than me. Imagine that!

4. Big Brother 7 is on tonight. That show tried to keep it real, but we will see how they do in 2005. I will try to watch.

5. I will not post anything on the NHL until they outright say the deal is done. I've been screwed too many times and I am not willing to get my hopes up again, only to be shot down hours later.

6. I realized that, no matter how hard I try, I will never, A) know the full words to Hotel California and B) I attempt to sing to that song much harder in my car rather than my home.

7. The dumb roommate is leaving! Yes, he is outta here in mere days! He got a job in Nashua and will be heading out of the apartment... I will return to normal stress level, and eventually decompress only minutes after he closes that door for the last time.

I Give Up!

Ok, now TSN.CA says it is not done yet, but could be done by the weekend or even go into next week. You know what? I give. Wake me up when Mario is lined up with Kovalev on his right to take the opening face-off...

back to doing... not work...


According to (Toronto Star) a deal has been STRUCK! No details yet but here is some insight:

The newspaper, citing anonymous sources close to the negotiations, said the agreement will feature a hard salary cap linked to 54 per cent of league revenue, a 24 per cent rollback of existing contracts and qualifying offers. It will also include a provision that will limit the salary of any player to 20 per cent of the team cap figure in any season.

It also seems that every team will have an equal shot to land Sid the Kid. Unreal.