Monday, April 25, 2005

Caroline Marcil Slips on Ice, falls, forgets US Anthem Lyrics. Sites "lack of determination" and Leaves. plus, Orr's raps and a stoner gets creative.

Every now and then I stumble across some links/articles that just blow me away… For the most part, they are all hilarious is some context. Listed below are a few that just make you laugh, cry, or say ‘what the…?”

“Ohhhhh Say Can – I make a bigger fool of myself?”

Every now and then we should all check the treads on our shoes, especially if we know we’ll be walking on ice. Actually, if I knew before hand, that I would be walking on ice, I’d probably practice. Not only that, I would make sure they put down something for me to walk on. Next, I would make sure to step on whatever they put down. This first link shows what could happen if you don’t follow those rules.

Oh wait, it gets better. If someone came to me and asked me to sing the national anthem for the US and Iceland, I’d say “No.” Why? Because I don’t know the damn lyrics to Iceland’s national anthem. Also, I don’t think I’ll be able to memorize them, nor would I want to. However, if I did say, “Yes,” I’d memorize them and practice before I went on.

So, that said, what’s worse? Slipping on ice or forgetting the lyrics to a country’s national anthem? Well, ask Caroline Marcil, since she did both, and then failed to complete the process.

Click here to see Caroline, well, make a total fool of herself

Orr be Rappin’, word.

Bobby Orr. For those of you non-sports fans and non-hockey fans, Bobby Orr is one of the greatest players ever to play the game, and the best defensive player in the history of the game. He is great, an icon in the sport. However, he ripped the owners and players this past week for not agreeing on a deal that would end the lockout that has been going on for a few months now, and ruining the sport.

“Boston Bruins legend Bobby Orr is calling on National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman and players union executive director Bob Goodenow to 'get out of the way' if they can't solve the impasse that triggered the cancellation of the NHL's season.”

Now, that is great, Bobby (wonder if they still call him Bobby and not Bob now, since he is like, 293 years old). However, how much better would this be if he was quoted as saying,

“Boston Bruins legend Bobby Orr is calling on National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman and players union executive director Bob Goodenow to 'move bitch, get out da way' if they can't solve the impasse that triggered the cancellation of the NHL's season.”

This would be phenomenal if Robert (respek, yo!) Orr started to rap. A White Canadian hockey player shredding the charts. And he cannot blame his bum knees for his failure…

No title justifies this…

“Dude,like, check out my new bong.” “What the hell?!! That’s my Grammy!” “Ha,yeah it is..” The above conversation could’ve taken place, seriously. In all honesty, I don’t know what to write. But make sure you read the whole thing, especially the last sentence. I saw this online once and thought nothing of it, until xB-man clued me in on the last paragraph.

There's a hair in my!!!