Roommate pisses in pants, locks himself in room

So, I get home and my roommate is walking all over the place... Long story short - after about 1 hour in the bathroom and 3 seperate showers, I go in to piss and find this in the corner. Yes, those are freshly pissed-in pants. Sick, yes. Sick that I took the picture, yes. But you need to understand where I come from and what I deal with. I am positive that he passed out while in the bathroom, but I wasn't going to ask... It is enough that I had to deal with piss soaked pants in the bathroom.
Then, I wake up to him knocking on his door as he somehow locked himself in his room. He must have been knocking for about 30 minutes. I thought he was going to cry. Somehow his doorknob broke off and the guy couldn't improvise a solution to open the door. I'm no MacGyver, but I think I could get out of a room if I was locked in it.
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