Sunday, June 26, 2005

Strong Words

Jeremy Roenick is one of the stronger, if not the strongest, personalities in the NHL today. Over the weekend, he blew up while at Mario Lemieux's golf tournament, and this is what he said:

- "Pro athletes are not cocky. Pro athletes care about the game. Everybody out there who calls us spoiled because we play a game - they can kiss my ass. They can kiss my ass. We have tried so hard to get this game back on the ice over the past year. I will say personally, personally, to everybody who calls us spoiled - you guys are just jealous, and fuck you guys. We're trying to get this thing back on the ice and make it better for the fans. If you don't realize that, then don't come. We don't want you in the rink, we don't want you in the stadium, we don't want you to watch hockey."

First of all, I can agree that I am jealous that I am not a hockey player. No shit, Roenick. I'd rather be working a desk job from 9-5 instead of playing hockey, making loads of money, and bringing home quality ladies. Genius. If you are trying to make the game better for the fans, thne why do you NOW consent to a lower cap than what was previously offered to you? You asked for $48M, you were offered $42.5M. Now, you'll get less than that, much less. But I do agree with you when you say if we don't realize that YOU are making the game better for the fans, don't come... wait a second, YOU made the game better for the fans? You, the players, collapsed and fell to the owners. YOU are the reason there is a lockout. YOU can go to hell.

- He also said that " me, that will bring the fans back to the game, knowing how much we gave up to get this game back on the ice. I can tell you, personally, I have given $7.5 to $8M dollars out of my pocket to get this game back on the ice."

Yeah JR, I am coming back to the game because you gave up millions, sure. That is the only reason I will be sitting in numerous arenas next year, because the players gave up all that money. Not because I love the game, not because of its excitement of 90% of the games, and not because I love flow. I will be back because you, the players, gave up so much to make the NHL last. That is why I will be back. Sarcasm, JR, that was sarcasm. And thanks for the specifics, Roenick. It makes me feel even better knowing that you gave up more money in one year than I will ever see in my lifetime. Whenever you talk about losing money, do not mention the dollar amount when 99% of the country makes less than that. Fucking moron.

See, this is where the moron we call, JR, should've just shut his mouth. He already opened it too many times during the lockout and stood up for a cap, now it is about letting the owners make money. Huh? I am going to be like JR for a minute. Here I go:

2:29pm: "$1.19 for a bottle of soda? No way. I am on strike until that price goes down!"
2:30pm: "Ok, $1.19 for a bottle of soda. I understand Coca-Cola needs to make money."

See, it's fun... You try!

What is even better is that he may not even play this year. Ha! Imagine the guy retires... But, he did say one manimal thing, "this is my worst defeat since the 1992 cup finals when the Penguins beat us in 4 straight." That's right, Bob Errey and Co. school you, you little bitch.


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