Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Ouch, I put up the gooseegg yesterday. A full day of training on the new job, followed up by a 3M run and slight gym activity, well, let's just say that made me tired. As of now, I have nothing witty to say, so I am not sure what to do. I can let everyone know how whacked my roommate is, though.

I get in at 8:30, from my run, and I hear someone screaming. I go in my room to see my cat standing straight up, ears pointed back. My roommate was talking to his friend on the phone and reenacting a play from the 19XX playoffs. Not only was he screaming like a 5 year old who got He-Man for his birthday, but he was running around the living room of the apartment. I had no clue why he wa doing this, nor do I want to know why. He is just odd...

so, tonight is the Season premire of TRW: Austin. Looks good. A show to add to my list. Next, I will have to watch the encore presentation of Rescue Me. Both look good, so, tonight will be a TV night. $.



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