Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Now, I'm not one to complain...

I don't complain all that often, but I'll stir things up a bit today. I like the cold weater, I actually enjoy it. Many others hate it and despise it. As a result, I am usually more upbeat during winter and never mention that "it is too fucking cold!" One reason is, that as a hockey player/fan, I need the cold weather to survive (as a matter, I also need hockey, too, but we all know that problem). It could be so cold that my "Out-ey" turned into an "In-ey" (which is not that hard to do), but I will still be upbeat.

Now it is summer. I hate summer. Not spring, summer. My calendar says summer starts in June, on the first, not the 21st. I hate the hot weather. I sweat a lot. I hate to sweat, especially when it is "a lot." But I can complain since I do not complain about the winter, and I will.

In the summer, you see old hairy people walking around with no shirts. I tend to gag and get lightheaded.
In the winter, you see the same people with a jacket on. I tend to go on my usual way.

In the summer, baseball is being played.
In the winter, it is not.

In the summer, you can get sunburn from moving the lawn.
In the winter, have you ever heard of anyone getting frostbite from moving their lawn? Didn't think so.

In the summer, you cannot control how cool you are, unless you rent a generator and somehow have it running while holding an A/C unit oscillating vertically up and down your body.
In the winter, layer on the clothes, or take some off. Nonetheless, you can be comfortable.

In the summer, you HAVE to get iced coffee.
In the winter, coffee comes hot, the way it should be.

I guess I can stop now. Also take into consideration that I have to run 3.5 miles (or 563,270.40 centimeters) tonight. The Corporate Challenge starts at 7, or so I think, and I should finish it, well, I plan on having the Ambulance pick me up at 7:12 and get me through the finish line about 2 minutes after on my way to MGH.

Wish me luck.


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