Inside my Mind
Fuck shelf space. Fuck it. Seriously, take it out back and screw it. I don't care if Doritos has more money than Utz so Doritos gets to be at eye level. I know what I want, and I want Utz. Alphabetical order. That is my solution. I'm not a genius, it's just common sense. Take CVS for example. When I get Tylenol, I want Tylenol, not CVS brand name shit. No I won't check the label to compare as CVS insists. I want Tylenol. Problem is - I can't find the fucker since there are 324 others types of medicine in my view. But if it were in order, I could go to the "T" section. No one actually forms an opinion at CVS when looking for medicine. You go to CVS for a cold remedy that you know you want. I dont get persuaded by the pink Benedryl box. I do go in for Tylenol and come out with CVS Tussin. Whatever Mom used to get, I get. I want alphabetical order.
These mini keychain savings/credit cards have to go. I have enough daily choices in my life that I do not want to deal with, "Do I go for the keychain or credit card version of the savings card that I will probably never use again?"
Whenever anyone looks for a tape measure, they cannot find it. Why is this?
These mini keychain savings/credit cards have to go. I have enough daily choices in my life that I do not want to deal with, "Do I go for the keychain or credit card version of the savings card that I will probably never use again?"
Whenever anyone looks for a tape measure, they cannot find it. Why is this?
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Like the new layout man, much more pleasing on the eye.
Keep keepin' it on the real.
P.S. - Come to NH!!!
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