Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A few beefs with Teen Wolf... And, "I hope that is an eyelash"....

I notice this more in the summer and more often than not, it is a female. Why do female drivers tend to stick their left foot out the window or put it high up on the dash when driving? I don't get it. Is it an open invitation? Are you stretching? I just don't get it.

There are 3 types of runners - 1) the runners that run in place while at a stop sign or red light. 2) the runners that stop and wait for traffic to recede. 3) the runners try not to run in place while stopped because they make fun of the people that DO run in place, but actually are running in place (albeit very small steps... you know, small steps to the points where their toes get 1/2 in. off the ground).

Hairs in the urinal are disturbing and gross, however, I'd appreciate it if were a small hair. If so, I could at least say it is an eyelash.

How did Teen Wolf get a PG rating? Stiles wears a shirt that says "what are you looking at dicknose?" Yes, you read that correctly.

Mick McAllister, at the end of the movie, is under the net while Scott Howard is shooting his 2 shots. Most people say, "Mick wouldn't be allowed to do that in a real game!" That is the least of my concerns. MJ Fox turns into a werewolf and you are concerned with Mick standing underneath the basket? Anyway, Scott Howard is clutch - he doesn't even ask the Ref to have him move. $. (during that last scene, when they pick up super werewolf Scott, check out the guy on the bleachers who is zipping up his fly...Hilarious.)

After all of this steroids talk in America, a college football players tests positive for Andro (banned by the NFL) and is ripped apart by the media. He then sends a letter out to all teams saying he KNOWINGLY took it so his elbow injury would not hamper him at the combine (the combine is where the scouts take a look at a bunch of prospects). Ok? He took it to perform better. Another player failed his drug test - he smoked pot. Both first round talent in the draft - in other words, millionaires. Small Balls (the steroid user) gets drafted 29th overall (first round), Stoner is picked in the 6th round. So, the lesson is - take steroids, fail the test, but only AFTER you fail and make yourself look like a moron, send a letter out an apologize... That is how you avoid the steroid stigma. Kind of makes you think, huh?

What is my favorite word? Latin, gravitas.

Somewhere in the world, there is a guy still imitating Jim Carey from Ace Ventura... you know it.

What is more annoying - the person with more items than the allowed in the express lane or the person who gets in line and then goes back to shop?

Nothing pisses me off more than the driver making a left at an intersection that stops at the line. When the light turns yellow, they don't even go, they just stop and do the same thing over again. Sometimes I feel the need to get out of my car, guide them, then slap them.

Divide your age by 2, add 7. There you go, you cannot date anyone younger.


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