Monday, October 02, 2006

And, You're Back on Live!

Well, it's been a long time since I left you, left you...

I had some work related issues to attend to, but I think I'm back. For the long run? Who knows. I spent a little time changing the layout and will continue to tweak it as the days go on. However, it is October 1, well, now Oct 2, and that means it is almost time for...

Hockey season. Oh yeah. I cannot wait. October 2nd the Eagles play on MNF, then Oct 3 is a rest day before the season kicks off on Oct 4. Three games. I'll be parked in front of the TV from 7-12ish. Good thing I have to travel most of the day on the 5th, because when the clock hits 7:30, the Center Ice Package will have its cherry popped.

Eagles/Packers - Monday night.
NHL opening night - Wednesday night.
Penguins/Flyers - Thursday night.
Penguins/Red Wings - Saturday night.
Eagles/Cowboys - Sunday.

Are you for real, schedule makers? Thank you.
Now, for my usual material...

I joined a new gym recently. I'm new to the area, so I didn't know what I was going to walk into. However, I gained a sense of the crowd after a few sessions. Nothing too abnormal, but hey, it's not what I left. Everything was fantastic, until today. Sunday, late AM. Kind of crowded, but not overly congested. I am working out, and then I hear a grunt. A scream. A workout grunt/scream. Of course you want to glance. If not to see how much they are lifting, but to see how gay the guy looks grunting in front of 40+ people. Notice how I said, 'guy.' Yeah, I stand corrected, it was a female. She was leg curling an obscene about of weight - I don't think I have lifted as much weight in my lifetime combined. She had a 2002 Barry Bonds in one calf. So I walked away. Threw up. Then resumed my workout.


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