What a great night it was...

Well, the night of 1/28/2006 was going to be good... I just knew it. How, you ask? Well, I thought at first, that Mentos (you know, the candy) was playing a joke on me. I could not find a box (no longer do I get duped into buying a roll of Mentos) and I was starting to sweat. After 2 minutes of nervous searching, I found a box. The boxed contained the almighty Cherry flavor. Wow. That is when I knew the night would be good. Cherry Mentos. A new flavor of Mentos. Do you understand the importance of such a thing? This could cure global warming...or something. Well, not really, but they are good.
The Cherry Mentos
Now, this guy is my idol - this guy... Are you kidding me? And to top off that website, the quote by Dave Grohl, "I ate about 600 of them in a day, and I had an extreme feeling of beauty. Those Mentos really work!"
But it only gets better! Check out the "Mentos Eating Strategy" on this page.
If you think I am crazy, check out JoshuaWise (the background music is Steve Balmer, the CEO of MSFT, by the way...seriously).
Here is Steve Balmer, First Video and the Second Video. Let me ask you this - Do you think he sweats at all?
I checked out some stats on my blog and saw some searches on how people linked into it. Well, someone searched, "earl boynkins lifting," and I was the third link. There were only 4 links, and I was 2 of those 4. Who the hell is searching for "earl boynkins lifting"???! I mean, I don't even know how to explain that.
At 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
From Wikipedia...
Steve Ballmer has been known to be very passionate in expressing his enthusiasm. Once his vocal cords required surgery after he screamed "Windows, Windows, Windows" continuously at a meeting in Japan in 1991. When Microsoft celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2000, Ballmer popped out of the anniversary cake to surprise the audience. His wild screaming and dancing on stage at an employees convention was caught on a widely-circulated video known as "Dance Monkeyboy." A few days later at a developers' conference, a sweat-soaked Ballmer repeatedly chanted "developers" at least 14 times in front of the bemused gathering.
Ballmer has also called Linux "communism" and the GNU General Public License "a cancer," [1] as well as more recently claiming that the most common format of music on iPods is "stolen". He advocates digital rights management and has said that "DRM is the future."
- D8G
At 6:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Priceless. I'm glad there are still luncatic CEOs out there.
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