Friday, January 06, 2006

Email me...

I always get a good laugh at when peopel still use their immature email addresses from the middle to late 90's. Sure, I may have had one or 2 of them, but I sure as hell don't use them now. And when I created them, I probably created them as a joke in the first place. However, every now and then I see a resume floating by, or someone with a contact email trying to pass as a valid email address.

No, that is not acceptable. Either is putting your name followed by the numbers 6 and 9. I have seen, numerous times, a name on a resume from a high school grad with the email, And the funny thing about Mike and his email is this - there is another Mike Johnston (by the way, this is a ficticious name) who beat him to the punch which is why this Mike had to use 6969 instead of just 69.

I would like to email some of these obscure names and just see if they check their email. by the way, you can email me at


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